Kathmandu Nepal:  25th April marks the first  anniversary of the devastating 7.9 Richter scale earthquake which resulted in damaged of property worth NRS …
Editors pick
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickPolitics, Law and Crime
Kanak Mani Dixit Arrested by Anti-Graft Body
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsThe Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority(CIAA) has arrested Kanak Mani Dixit the  chairman of Sajha Yatayat  against charges of …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickInformation and Tech World
Lynn St. Amour the new chair of IGF MAG 2016
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsLynn St. Amour of the United States has been appointed as the new Chair of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group(MAG) of the Internet …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pick
President Bidya Devi Bhandari inaugurated the reconstruction process in Nepal
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsPresident Bidya Devi Bhandari in a formal event on Saturday Kathmandu after nine months of ordeal. The 7.9 Ritcher scale earthquake killed nearly …
Editors pickViolence Against Women
Finally Justice Served for the Rohtak Gang rape case
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsAfter a long trails and wait the Indian Court has finally verdict seven men to death who were convicted against the Rohtak gang …
DisasterEditors pick
27 Billion spent on Relief without reconstruction process started
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsIt has been reported that the relief operation cost of the devastating earthquake of 25 April, 2015 which killed around 9000 people …
Editors pickViolence Against Women
Orange the world Campaign started around the globe
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsThe international campaign Orange the world has started from  25th  November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickInformation and Tech World
Nepal’s Position in WSIS10 for 2015
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsWSIS 10 is an intergovernmental preparatory process of discussion on various issues of concerns adapting and evolving the internet Governance process in …
Activism and Non profitCurrent Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pick
Recommendation for the New Constitution
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsPlease find attached few recommendations and suggestions The current constitution is very vague about various topics where political leaders have become smarter …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickSports
Mira Rai Wins the ultra-marathon
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsMira Rai Won the international ultra-marathon of 80 KM held in France beating Anna Comet from Spain and Hilary Alin from the …