Process: First cut the chicken into small pieces to desired size and steam it for 12 to 15 minutes. After its steamed …
Editors pick
The supreme court of India has sacked the Information Technology Act section 66 (A) reasoning it to be unconstitutional in terms of …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickOpinion and Humor
Social Media and its evolution in 21 century
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsHow often do you use social media or for what purpose do you use social media? These question might sound erratic in …
Activism and Non profitEditors pickViolence Against Women
Minor Rape case sparks nation wide protest
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsAfter the death of minor girl Pooja Saha of Kalaiya-8, Bara on women day various organization are protesting in and around the …
Editors pickViolence Against Women
Stop Violence Against Women: Acid Attack case creates a buzz in Nepal
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsWith huge controversy and buzz the acid attack case on two teenagers of Nepal has certainly sensitized the issue of Violence Against …
Activism and Non profitEditors pickInformation and Tech World
Beware of what you write in social networking sites: No freedom of Expression in Nepal
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsIt has been confirmed that Nepal Police will arrest anyone writing against the organization or commenting on any of such issues published …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickTourism, Travel and Places
Sky Diving Free Falling at Everest
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsJumping off an airplane with just the help of parachute might sound scary for the normal people but for adventure enthusiasts who …
Kathmandu Nepal, January 14: Bull fighting is one of the oldest tradition of Nepal that is catching people’s attention just like the Spanish bull fight, Nepal …
Activism and Non profitCurrent Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickViolence Against Women
People of Nepal fighting against women abuse and exploitation
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsKathmandu Nepal: With high stacks on the table and bad politics making a deadlock situation, people of Nepal are buzzing about a new …
There is a huge confusion especially for armature photographer to know what to choose, NIKON or CANON. The people who use NIKON …