In a press release issued by the Internet society welcomes the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Resolution on the “promotion, protection, and enjoyment …
Editors pick
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickInformation and Tech World
WCIT -12 and few issues
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsInternet Society(ISOC), defines ,  “The World Conference on International Telecommunications 2012(WCIT-12) as a global treaty conference hosted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) …
Climate ChangeCurrent Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickOpinion and Humor
Hypocrisy at its best, Climate Change an issue of Political Image
by RayZnewsby RayZnews The Prime minister of Nepal Baburam Bhattrai is planning to leave for the trip to Rio de Janerio on Monday  to …
People are again back in streets shouting slogans of ethnic based federalism. Perhaps, it has just been weeks in scenario of the …
Today’s world is the world of internet and keywords where information and data’s are related to a combination of characters or variables …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickInformation and Tech World
Free SMS online can be a threat in terms of security
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsAdvancement of technology has made internet the most powerful medium of communication. One can communicate as well as straightly access the electronic …
Editors pickInformation and Tech WorldOpinion and Humor
USA’s Hippocratic attitude towards its allies
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsSoon after India tested the Agni 5 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, the USA showed its solidarity towards the Indian government with the message of success. The solidarity came …
In Nepal from the past 4 years the Nepalese people have been waiting for their constitution but time after time the Constitution …
We Humans are social creature, we tends to live in a society of meaningful values  highlighting the aspect of different feeling and …
STALKING, in the ravage night, I howled looking at the swift moon. Slowly putting each step countering the fear of my prey, I close in …