For decades, USAID has been a pillar of support for Nepal’s development sector, funding crucial programs in health, education, infrastructure, and governance. …
Opinion and Humor
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickOpinion and Humor
Nepal is hosting the first Saarc ministerial summit to finalize the first SAARC Labour and Migration Action Plan
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsNepal is hosting the first South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) ministerial summit, to finalize the first SAARC Labour and …
Activism and Non profitOpinion and Humor
The aftermath of Earthquake in Nepal
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsThe April 25th earthquake traumatized millions in Nepal tolling a death to more than 5000. The number is growing where the number …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickOpinion and Humor
Social Media and its evolution in 21 century
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsHow often do you use social media or for what purpose do you use social media? These question might sound erratic in …
If you are looking for answers about what or where Nepal is in terms of IT business or Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) …
Activism and Non profitOpinion and HumorPolitics, Law and Crime
Bus for only tourists not for citizens
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsWhy we Nepalese are so weak ? The Nepal government provides Bus services for the so call Tourists (goro challa) and for …
Activism and Non profitOpinion and Humor
Nepal’s Prime Minister Baburam in twitter
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsThe Himalayan times reports, ” Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai has fired up the twitterati within three days of his opening an account in …
Activism and Non profitEditors pickOpinion and Humor
I love my country but I have no respect for my Prime minister
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsYesterday I was stuck in a Traffic Jam at Putalisadak. The road was jammed because our so call his Excellency Prime …
Activism and Non profitCurrent Affair and News(Reporting)Opinion and Humor
Tax system in Nepal highly questionable
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsMangshir 1 has been declared as a national Tax day in Nepal. From early morning people dressed up in black suits were …
Activism and Non profitCurrent Affair and News(Reporting)Opinion and Humor
NRB SUCKS big time
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsWhy is it so hard for a citizen to live? What is our mistake that our government keeps a blind eye towards …