Amidst, the controversial move of dissolving the parliament by the Prime Minister(PM) KP Sharma Oli on 20 December 2020 huge questions have …
Social Media
FEATUREDInformation and Tech WorldMedia and CommunicationSocial Media
US VISA demands Social Media information
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsA new regulation has surfaced in view of the US government VISA procedure. All applicants to the USA are required to submit …
FEATUREDInformation and Tech WorldSocial Media
Facebook Launches new algorithm to tackle fake news
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsFacebook has launched its new algorithm to check the validity of news circling the French Presidential Election. The new program which has …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickInformation and Tech WorldSocial Media
Freedom on the Net 2016 reports censorship & shutdowns more common
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsThe Freedom House is out with its latest report on an annual study of internet freedom around the world. The Freedom on …
Current Affair and News(Reporting)Social Media
Facebook apologizes for removing picture of the Vietnam’s girl
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsFacebook’s representative have apologized to Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg for deleting a photograph which featured a nude girl during napalm attack …
Kalo Pothi is a different movie that run around the time of 2001, during the ceasefire. Prakash and Kiran, are two young boys …
Activism and Non profitCurrent Affair and News(Reporting)Editors pickSocial Media
British National arrested for Protesting with the Federal Alliance
by RayZnewsby RayZnewsA British National Martin Travers, 44, was arrested during a protest outside Singha Durbar. He was arrested after reports of foreigners taking part in …