Different types of addiction

Well, we all know what an addiction is or to the level of experiencing it, we all have experienced it within ourselves at least once in our life time. For e.g. some are addicted to smoking, some to medicines and drugs, some to shopping, some are to WORK, some are to sweets, some to ALCOHOL, some are to perfection, some are to tattoos, some to LOVE, some are to FACEBOOK etc. It’s just a way of life where it’s your lifestyle and you feel comfortable and easy in highlighting an identity. I call addiction as a way to see youself happy which at times can be wrongly interpreted. One gets lured and not even know till the time you see you face the consequence.

How can making oneself happy or satisfied be wrong?

Making oneself happy is never wrong but pushing the limits of making it happen or crossing the limitation of legal or any social obligation is wrong. It’s just the matter of what you do, just like the way it is said, “Your action limit the way of your judgment” okay to practicality it’s all about you and how you handle yourself, in and outside the world. Your presentation matters to the level of how and what people interpret.

You know at times  how you would like to feel good about yourself for instance you feeling down, in most  cases women either eat chocolate or go out for shopping which significantly makes them feel good about themselves. It’s something that you do without knowing its intention. What harm can it do but it does slowly and smoothly with no traces of its effect. It engulfs you into its claws, and you don’t have an idea about it. You start to run away from your problems then facing it and making it work.

Similarly, in man the most common form of addition is alcohol and work. Both makes him feel quite on top of the world. Every time you take a sip it drives you in the long journey of unknown happiness which helps him to be the person he wants to be, perhaps it helps him to relives his desires. However, work on the other side has a different story; he is addicted to his work as he has to earn more in every aspect of making his ego up anyhow and in any condition. He makes every effort to hold that.

This is the mental state that occurs from different scale to different types. The more you try to defy is the fact that the more you are suffering. Ignore and lack of acknowledgment is the most common answer where it makes your bills shoot up and your bank account empty. To be precise, it’s a syndrome that occurs by taking you into confidence that you are perfectly fine and productive.

Addiction to most takes people into depression as its final ecstasy as nothing can stay on top FOREVER once it comes down that’s when the problem starts you have no money, people  don’t believe in you and you are left with nothing. It simply engulfs the person into a deep addictive state where ones existence hides in and is doomed with no answer. Currently in the 21st century scientist are doing research about this inhuman problem and have traced out some of the genes that are associated with it but still this process of rectifying way distant than anything. For now we have to protect our self in the best way of acceptance and adaptability.

By Shreedeep Rayamajhi